


For your stay in Frankfurt we are the specialists.

In order to come up with a fitting framework for your event we not only listen to your requests and desires but also ask questions, provide assistance and suggest creative approaches. In this context, the corporate branding and your corporate identity are always taken into account.

When you are looking for a new and creative approach you will have to use all of the available potential to achieve your objectives. We are motivated and ready to do this for you. In our made-to-measure work our most important assets are our employees, but also our long experience and energetic company culture.

With our extraordinary know-how we regularly come up with original concepts in the area of events and incentives with an eye for inspiring scene setting. In our opinion the impossible is only that which has never been tried before and we are not afraid of a challenge.

Besides creative approaches, the professional handling and implementation of your event also encompasses its thorough planning, high-level logistics and its smooth organisation and coordination. Moreover as a full-service agency, DMC Frankfurt has an unrestricted service attitude that is also essential for the proper organisation of your event.

Trips and


Apple wine tour

Get to know the apple wine – the slightly more sour version of cider – that is Frankfurt‘s signature drink. We invite you to join us on a tour experiencing the beautiful sides of Frankfurt and learning about the history of this long-standing beverage.

Further information upon request.


On the trails of Goethe

Together we are going to follow the trails of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, one of the most eminent ambassadors of German poetry, and discover the footmarks he has left in the city where he was born and where he spent the first half of his life: Frankfurt.

Further information upon request.


Rhein-Main river cruise

We stick to the lyrics of a German folk song, that says: “Eine Bootsfahrt die ist lustig, eine Bootsfahrt die ist schön“, which means “A boatage is fun, a boatage is nice“.

On this boat tour you can enjoy Frankfurt and its surroundings from a totally new perspective: from the water of the rivers Rhein and Main.

Further information upon request.



The group will build a large net by connecting their ropes with the ones from the other participants. Therefore it takes a lot of communication, team spirit and of course some craftsmanship to master this task.

Further information upon request.


Group Painting

The group will be divided into pairs that paint their own individual pictures. Afterwards all the small “pixels“ will be put together to form one big picture.

Further information upon request.


Tablet Adventure

Experience Frankfurt from a new dimension! This high-tech game based on GPS will give your guests the chance to discover the prettiest corners of Frankfurt.

Further information upon request.


Festival for all senses – Frankfurt

You will witness an unforgettable evening with futuristic performance elements, sublime interior design with technical ingenuity and special effects in one of Frankfurt’s most stylish locations.

Other Destinations

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